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AnaldEaДата: Суббота, 06.02.2016, 22:28 | Сообщение # 1
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e“Vietnam was the first war ever fought without any censorship. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.” Gen William C Westmoreland, US Army ( ) It is said that a war cannot be fought without the support of the people. Much so was this related to the Vietnam conflict. I say the “Vietnam Conflict” in that the United States never actually declared war on North Vietnam after its communist splitup in 1960.
David Levinson's Seasons of A Man's Life Introduction Background In May of 1977, Daniel Levinson constructed a model of the seasons of a man's life. His developmental theory consists of universal stages or phases that extends from the infancy state to the elderly state. Most development theories, such as Freud's psychosexual development theory or Piaget's cognitive development theory, end in the adolescent stage of life. Levinson's stage theory is important because it goes beyond most theories assuming that development continues throughout adult life.
Persecution Under Nero Nero was an emperor who was afraid of his people. Nero was getting out of control of his army he was unable to control his army and keep them in his power. Nero discovered that he was loosing his power so he became a cruel man in his later life. Nero murdered, torture and even imprison his relative and people he called friends. Nero tried everything to impress the people, Nero Built the finesse palaces and arenas. It is said that Nero was the cause of the great fire which had broke out in Rome in A.D.64; this would give the opportunity for Nero to start his building plans.

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“Raging Bull” (1980) is not a so much a film about boxing but more of a story about a psychotically jealous, sexually insecure borderline homosexual, caged animal of a man, who encourages pain and suffering in his life as almost a form of reparation. Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece of a film drags you down into the seedy filth stenched world of former middleweight boxing champion Jake “The Bronx Bull” LaMotta. Masterfully he paints the picture of a beast whose sole drive is not boxing but an insatiable obsessive jealously over his wife and his fear of his own underling sexuality.
The Role of the Fool in William Shakespeare's King Lear In the play King Lear, by William Shakespeare, there are many intriguing characters. Perhaps the most intriguing of them all is the fool. The fool seems to exist outside the play appearing and disappearing without warning. The fool is, however, a necessary character to the evolution of Lear's character, since he is the personification of truth and reason. The fool serves to show Lear how he is going insane, as well as to attempt to delay this inevitability.
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The Phantom of the Opera directed by Joel Schumacher is the 2004 adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1986 musical of the same name. The Phantom of the Opera stars Gerard Butler as the Phantom, Emmy Rossum as Christine Daaé, and Patrick Wilson as Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny, who are embroiled in a love triangle. The film was met with generally mixed and negative reviews: Schumacher’s use of miseenscène, cinematography and editing, as well as symbolism contributes to the production of The Phantom of the Opera.
A. Plan of Investigation 
 The plan is to investigate the role the Algerian War of Independence had on the fall of the French Fourth Republic in 1958. I will focus first on the effects of World War II, the Three Parties Alliance, and decolonization on the fourth republic. Then, I will look at the discontent caused in the government by the Algerian War, the National Liberation Front (FLN), and the French army. Finally, I will look at the May Crisis of 1958 and the roles of Jacques Massu, Jacques Soustelle, and Charles de Gaulle in the fall of the fourth republic and the creation of the fifth.
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